Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Summer, and the livin' is easy

If you're interested in doing some work for an online literary magazine, the lovely poetry and art journal Convergence needs editors. Contact Lara Gularte at (laralg AT aol DOT com) before June 30th.


I'm so loving summer. I'm getting a lot of writing done (worked 12 hours yesterday on the memoir). I've been doing a lot of swimming at the Y, gardening, and taking long neighborhood and beach walks.

I love to take long, meditative walks, just letting my mind wander. Sometimes I do a little scene-writing in my head. I kind of overdid it with Max, our Pomeranian the other day, however; he wasn't his usual self for a whole day. His tail was droopy, and he didn't display his usual verve. Perhaps 8 miles in the heat wasn't a good idea. He's okay now, though. If I go near his leash in the kitchen he dances on the linoleum.

Annie and I have a few home projects facing us, like putting in a patio in our backyard. Yes, we strong and powerful women are going to do it ourselves. Let's hope the backyard table and chairs won't wobble horribly afterward.

Tomorrow's a Mom day. We're going to the movies. I was born to be an at-home writer. Jobs are over-rated.

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