Thursday, March 20, 2008

Only Connect

Fortunately, we're not going anywhere this spring break. We'll just stay in our sweet little house, not breaking the bank by buying gas.

Isn't it funny how language changes? Just a few years ago, this could not have been a joke. The internet has influenced not only the way we speak and write, but they way we think: more in terms of connections and jumping around link-crazy. A kind of maniacal multi-tasking. Or perhaps nothing changes. Consider the fact that it was about 100 years ago that E.M. Forster implored us to "only connect."

I'm disconnecting right now, for a few days, from the internet, going to focus on non-virtual reality for a while, going to do things like take long beach walks walks, write and read for hours in the morning, and wander around with my dogs and Annie. I want time to slow down on Spring Break so I really feel it and experience it. I want to "only connect" to life.

Have a great holiday, everyone.


Jo A. T.B. said...

Too funny Kate, loved this. Have a nice Easter, and take a walk along the beach for me. Winter is back for us here! Your memoir sounds interesting! :)

Collin Kelley said...

Have a great holiday break, Kate. You deserve it. Hugs to Annie, too. :)